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The future of HR and why it’s time to invest in ‘soft’ (or essential) skills, with Martha Travis

The future of HR and why it’s time to invest in ‘soft’ (or essential) skills, with Martha Travis

Season 01 Episode 09
The future of HR and why it’s time to invest in ‘soft’ (or essential) skills

Many businesses – and the people within those businesses – are using the pandemic as an opportunity to transform into something new. For businesses, it may be about changing their service delivery; for individuals, it may be about upskilling or reskilling into a fresh area. In this episode, we chat with experienced HR professional and consultant Martha Travis about the essential skills for future leaders and the role that HR will play in balancing technical skills with ‘soft’ (or essential) skills.

In her usual ‘no fuss’ and insightful way, Martha, along with ELMO’s Jason Portelli and Kate Bond, discuss:

  • The benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI), and why emotions such as empathy will continue to give humans the edge
  • Why so many leaders struggle with difficult or confronting conversations, and how they can improve this skill
  • Why a skills gap analysis is an essential first step towards more effective business planning

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