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HR Culture, Law and Systems

HR Culture, Law and Systems

This audio recording is from a seminar exploring strategies for – and the legal ramifications of – hybrid work and the return to physical offices.

HR Culture, Law and Systems Seminar


  • Natasha Hawker
    Managing Director, Employee Matters
  • Danny King
    Principal, Danny King Legal
  • Monica Watt
    Group Chief Human Resources Officer, ELMO Software

Topics covered include:

  • How will hybrid work actually work?
  • Why are some employees reluctant to return?
  • Do I need a flexibility/hybrid-work policy, and can I enforce it?
  • Current trends: domestic & family violence and mental health
  • Employee duty of care and WH&S issues
  • What is an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and why do I need one?
  • How to beat the ‘The Great Resignation’

This seminar was hosted by ELMO Software on Thursday 26 May, 2022.