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PeoplePod S02 E06 – Belinda Agnew

PeoplePod S02 E06 – Belinda Agnew

The future of recruiting, the international talent market, and leveraging your professional brand

The talent market is red hot right now and no-one has felt it more than those working in recruitment. Two years of border closures have had a dramatic impact on the market, forcing employers to rethink how and where they recruit.

Belinda Agnew is a superstar recruitment entrepreneur, advisory board member, Women In Tech ambassador, and host of the Startups and Unicorns podcast. She knows how to scout top talent,  network to uncover new opportunities, and how to stay current with new tech trends and recruiting tools.

In this episode, Belinda and our PeoplePod team discuss:

• The work perks employees really want
• How to attract both local & international talent
• The international job market and the future of the candidate application process
• How to put yourself on the right path for a promotion
• How to build and leverage your professional brand