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From Attrition to Attraction: 4 Strategies to Beat The Great Resignation

From Attrition to Attraction: 4 Strategies to Beat The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation – hyperbole or reality?

With Australia and New Zealand experiencing a tight talent market due to the drop off in migration, the prospect of a Great Resignation has sent alarm bells ringing for business leaders everywhere.

As we enter the next phase of COVID-19 recovery, the result of a tight talent market has seen the power shift into the hands of jobseekers, and many employees are reconsidering their employment options.

Adapting to new ways of working 

Organisations that fail to acknowledge how their employees’ lives and perspectives have been changed by the pandemic risk losing their most valuable asset – their people. Flexibility, work-life balance, choice, autonomy – these are all the words that are front of mind for jobseekers today. 

Getting ahead of the trend 

The Great Resignation presents a unique opportunity for business leaders to strengthen their organisation’s relationship with employees and evolve into the workplace of tomorrow. 

This eBook will explore how HR leaders look at attrition as an opportunity to improve the employee lifecycle, further discussing: 

  • Tips for employers to maintain their edge in a jobseeker’s market
  • The importance of taking a data-led approach 
  • Rethinking the employee experience (EX) and employee value proposition (EVP) 
  • How to use learning and development as a retention strategy