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Elevating remuneration processes: ELMO Software’s impact at New Zealand’s biggest general insurer, IAG.

The Challenges

Out-of-date, in-house legacy system requiring costly and time-consuming upgrades and technical support

Increased business risk as a result of outdated technology

A desire for external consulting and best practice tips regarding user experience

Automation of salary review and short-term incentive (STI) payment letters

Following the merger of State and NZI, remuneration and bonus practices needed to be consolidated. Annual salary reviews were completed manually using spreadsheets, which often led to inaccuracies with data, payments and review timeframes.

IAG required an efficient and robust system that could handle the significant volume of annual salary reviews and bonus payments at a set time every year. Staff were previously reviewed throughout the year on their anniversary date, so this change was a move to more common practice.

To ease the transition into this new review practice, IAG wanted a system that would help HR staff to efficiently process this large increase in remuneration reviews.

IAG were looking for a completely automated remuneration process that would allow more than 280 company managers to view their team’s information, process payments and recommend new salary amounts online. They also required the ability to control the data and timeframes of remuneration and bonus reviews, and also to produce and distribute salary review and short-term incentive (STI) payment letters electronically.

The Benefits

Fewer resources required to manage annual salary reviews and bonus schemes

Timely reviews delivered to employees – IAG has not missed a review deadline

Significant increase in data accuracy with error rate of less than 1%

Enhanced manager access to data at any time and from anywhere

Full automation of salary and short-term incentive (STI) payment letters – timeframes for these processes have been shortened by more than a month

Internal process enhancements regarding budgets, including the use of “traffic lights” to signal problems

Pivot Remuneration has a very has a very logical step-by-step process engine which ensures we complete tasks on time and in the correct order.
IAG New Zealand
Manager of Workforce Solutions at IAG

Today, IAG requires less people to manage the company’s annual salary reviews and bonus schemes. The company has not missed a deadline for delivering reviews to employees since Pivot Remuneration was implemented.

“Pivot Remuneration has a very logical step-by-step process engine which ensures we complete tasks on time and in the correct order,” says the Manager of Workforce Solutions.

She adds that the organisation now has an error rate of less than 1% and managers can access the data and complete the reviews from anywhere in New Zealand. “The production of 2000 letters is now fully automated.

Pivot Remuneration has improved the accuracy of payments to employees for their annual bonus payments and salary reviews. Our timeframes for these processes have been shortened by more than a month.”

Pivot Remuneration also helped carefully manage IAG’s remuneration budget through the use of “traffic lights”. This feature ensures that overspend signals a red light, which means salary recommendations must be sent for approval.