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WEBINAR: Winning the War for Talent: The ‘Total Talent Management’ Approach

WEBINAR: Winning the War for Talent: The ‘Total Talent Management’ Approach

The ‘War for Talent’

Forget the ‘war for jobs’. The power has changed hands – there’s now a ‘war for talent’. In this candidate-led market, employers must up the ante if they want to attract, retain and nurture top talent – and beat the competition. So, what can they do?

Talent acquisition challenges

Although many organisations may be ramping up their hiring efforts, it doesn’t mean they aren’t hitting roadblocks – many are failing to attract the talent needed to address key skills gaps. This is partly because the needs of both employees and organisations have evolved since pre-pandemic times, so the old way of doing things is redundant.

In this webinar, ELMO’s Joel Smith, Head of Sales and Kate Wilkinson, Talent Acquisition Manager explored:

  • How to navigate the many intricacies of talent acquisition in today’s world
  • The emergence of ‘total talent management’ (TTM)
  • Putting the employer brand at the forefront of hiring efforts
  • Talent acquisition: best practice tips