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WEBINAR: The Key Ingredients for a Successful Holistic Wellness Program

WEBINAR: The Key Ingredients for a Successful Holistic Wellness Program

Where are we today?

It has been a tough 12 months for organisations and their employees but thankfully, a semblance of normality has resumed across Australia and New Zealand.

Current state of employee wellbeing

However, just because the economic and health outlook has improved – uplifting many aspects of working life – it would be a mistake to deprioritise employee wellness initiatives. Now is the ideal time to re-energise a tired workforce.

Employee wellness programs

Building a holistic employee wellness program helps employers to build happy, productive and safe workplaces that help employees move from ‘survive’ to ‘thrive’.

In this webinar, ELMO’s Joel Smith, Head of Sales and Andrew Batey, Sales Manager (NZ) explored:

  • The difference between thrive cultures and burnout cultures
  • The ‘languishing’ epidemic and why now, more than ever, is the time to focus on employee wellness and mental health
  • How to develop a successful, comprehensive employee wellness program