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WEBINAR: Reshaping Corporate Learning & Development

WEBINAR: Reshaping Corporate Learning & Development

Whilst COVID-19 has unquestionably changed the way we work, it has also presented new opportunities for employee learning and development. Upskilling, reskilling, and cross-skilling is not only crucial during this crisis, but also after it has passed.

In this webinar, ELMO’s Head of Sales, Joel Smith, and Regional Sales Manager, Michael Shor, present ideas on reshaping organisational learning and development during a crisis, including:

  • How to develop and retain top performers
  • How cloud-based technology can help ensure your business emerges strongly from this current crisis
  • How ELMO’s ‘Develop’ solutions – Learning Management, Course Builder, Course Library, and Video Library – can empower employees to drive their professional development
  • A live demo of the ELMO Develop suite

Simply click on the link below to access it any time.