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Insights Exchange Webinar – Managing your people through COVID-19 – NZ

Insights Exchange Webinar – Managing your people through COVID-19 – NZ

We recently held a well-received Insights Exchange Webinar, where we shared some valuable insights on the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world and the impact it is having on individuals, businesses and communities. We’re making this webinar available to you now, on-demand.

COVID-19 is undoubtedly the primary challenge facing HR and business leaders today. It has triggered inevitable changes in how we live and work. With this new reality and the rise of remote working, how can you best prepare and manage these changes with minimal disruption?

In this on-demand webinar, we address:

  • Workplace flexibility and managing a remote workforce
  • How to build the employee-employer bond in difficult times
  • Why it’s never been more important to “know the numbers” to report on HR initiatives and build a business case
  • How technology can support your organisation and its employees facing remote working conditions

The webinar is available for to you access any time. Simply click on the link below.