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5 Must For Organisational Learning Culture

5 Must For Organisational Learning Culture

Building a culture that values learning and development in a rapidly changing world is a major challenge for all organisations. ELMO’s “5 must-have elements for an organisational learning culture” infographic provides an outline of the factors that must be considered to make professional development a key part of the employee experience.

5 must-have elements for an organisational learning culture

The 5 elements to develop an effective organisational learning culture include:

  1. Support from the top. Without this support any workplace initiative will flounder – and it’s apparent leaders want to support learning. According to Deloitte, 84% view it as important or very important; and 70% recognise their organisation does not have the skills to adapt to digital demands. However, the disconnect is also seen with 56% of leaders considering training as an essential business enabler, but only 35% having a defined technology roadmap.
  2. Employee-centric learning. Increasingly, employers are meeting employees in the middle when it comes to skills development: employers need fresh skills, and employees want to undertake learning. 74% of employees believe it’s up to themselves to make this happen and 70% say job-related training could lead to them staying on with their current employer. Conversely, 74% also believe they aren’t being given the chance to shine at work due to a poor commitment to skills development from their employer.
  3. A shift from push to pull. Technology is placing the learning tools and platforms in the hands of employees to forge and undertake their own learning paths and pursue highly personalised learning. PwC suggests an overwhelming 96% of employers will increase self-directed learning in the next 12 months. However, there’s another employer/employee gap, with 88% of employees knowing what learning they need but only 42% believing their employer can supply relevant eLearning.
  4. Design thinking. Viewing all work-related tasks through the eyes of employees – or taking a design thinking perspective – is turning traditional ways of doing things on their head. Some employers are applying design thinking to their learning offerings, with 79% of executives deeming design thinking an important or very important issue. Similarly, by borrowing elements of self-service – a design thinking staple – 88% of learners say they learn more from finding things out by themselves than through face-to-face learning.
  5. Smart use of technology. Mobile, social, and web-based platforms have transformed how learning is delivered. Today, a third of learning managers deliver compliance and technical skills training to mobile devices and 44% of organisations cite social/collaborative tools as a top learning technology priority.

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