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Finger on the Pulse: The Easy Guide to Pulse Surveys

Finger on the Pulse: The Easy Guide to Pulse Surveys

What is a pulse survey?

In an age of almost constant change where the line between ‘work’ and ‘life’ is hazier than ever before, do you know if what your organisation is offering is hitting the mark? Pulse surveys are a means to touch base with employees using shorter, more frequent check-ins.

Why conduct pulse surveys?

Without obtaining insights into the sentiment of employees and gauging their thoughts on life both inside and outside of work, it’s impossible to provide a nurturing, collaborative, and appealing workplace culture. 

Planning your pulse surveys

In this environment, it’s no surprise that employee pulse surveys are more valuable than ever before.

If your organisation is new to pulse surveys or wants to learn more about their advantages, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to know, exploring:

  • The benefits of conducting pulse surveys
  • How pulse surveys differ from engagement surveys
  • Things to consider before building a pulse survey
  • Top tips for getting the most out of your survey
  • How to analyse survey data and take action