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Enhancing the EX to Attract and Retain Gen Z Talent

Enhancing the EX to Attract and Retain Gen Z Talent

As with all generations, Generation Z – typically defined as those born between 1997 and 2012 – come with their own unique set of values and behaviours. These values and behaviours are a product of the events that have unfolded during their lifetime, together with the environment in which they were raised. In Gen Zs case, this has been a digital-first, hyper-connected world with seamless cutting-edge technology and personalised consumer experiences. It’s a generation that has never known a world without the world wide web.

So why is this generation becoming so important? According to the World Economic Forum 1, Gen Z will make up roughly 27% of the workforce by 2025, making them a force to be reckoned with in the workplace. And contrary to much of popular discourse, this generation can’t be simply bundled into the same box as their Millennial predecessors. 

In this blog, we suggest five tips on how to boost the employee experience (EX) for Gen Z.

How to create an amazing EX for Gen Z

  • Offer a smooth onboarding experience 

Clunky, inefficient processes won’t cut it for this generation and the onboarding process is no exception. With research revealing 91% of Gen Zs said technology would influence job choice among similar employment offers 2, the onboarding process needs to be seamless.

ELMO Onboarding helps you to easily build consistent, streamlined onboarding processes that eliminate employee paperwork and greatly improve the EX. With an easy-to-use, centralised onboarding system, organisations can configure the onboarding process and workflows, assign due dates for tasks and onboarding modules, and send reminder emails to new hires. From accepting the job offer, new hires can immediately provide personal information and bank details, giving them a sense of empowerment over their personal information. 

  • Focus on employer brand

Having grown up and born witness to large global movements such as #MeToo #BlackLivesMatter, this ‘activist’ generation is more concerned by corporate values than any other. Gen Z no longer forms opinions of an organisation solely based on the quality of their products/services but also on their ethics, practices and social impact. 83% of Gen Zs consider ‘purpose’ when deciding where to work 3.

This means that how employers present themselves to the wider community has never been more important, particularly in the recruitment and candidate experience phase of the employee journey. 

Automating the recruitment process allows companies to develop consistent recruitment processes that allow your employer value proposition (EVP) to shine through clearly and consistently at all touchpoints, from job adverts on external job websites to branded career portals. Contemporary employer branding trends suggest that a consistent presence on multiple platforms and a proactive communication approach is key for a tech-empowered employer branding strategy. ELMO Recruitment helps you to build candidate sourcing capability, refine recruitment workflows, screening questions and interview processes, all while promoting your EVP to attract the best talent.

  • Get personal 

Gen Z values a personal touch. In fact, 29% of Gen Z say they would be more likely to complete a purchase if a brand provides a personalised customer experience 4 and just under half (44%) will provide their personal data to enable a more personalised experience over an anonymous one 5. Therefore, personalising the EX takes on a new level of importance when dealing with Gen Z. 

Entering the workforce for the first time can be nerve-wracking as it is. Not only can a personalised approach help to ease those ‘first-job’ nerves of Gen Z graduates entering the workforce; this personalised approach is favoured – expected, even – by this cohort.

The ELMO Experiences solution creates memorable, personalised experiences for all the critical ‘moments that matter’ during the employee lifecycle. Using the ‘journey builder’ functionality, employers can provide all employees with customised experiences and support during key moments of their journey with their first employment, such as onboarding, internal job moves, office relocations, return to work, and more. 

This module makes personalised communication with this ‘Communicaholic’ generation easy, thanks to the ability to distribute universal and consistent messages and information organisation-wide with the ‘Broadcast’ function.

  • Build a culture of feedback

As with all employees, Gen Zs like to feel their voices are being heard. Growing up in an age of the internet and social media, Gen Z has always had the power to share their opinions, influence distant people and institutions and question the status quo in ways that weren’t previously possible – all through their smartphone keyboards. As such, Gen Z is a vocal generation that likes to feel heard.

ELMO Survey enables organisations to conduct and manage staff surveys throughout all points of the employee lifecycle to gain actionable insights into Gen Zs attitudes and opinions towards work. With a range of ready-made HR survey templates built by industry professionals, ELMO Survey helps HR leaders to help make smarter, more informed and employee-centric business decisions.

  • Focus on employee wellbeing  

Mental health sits at the top of Gen Zs agenda, with nearly half of surveyed Gen Zs and Millennials ranking it as their first or second priority 6. 

Mental health in the workplace is no exception. However, there is more to looking after employee wellness than simply offering free yoga sessions and an EAP service. Well-designed employee wellness programs are holistic and incorporate the four pillars of Financial, Social, Mental and Physical. They also take into account the wishes of their end users: employees, which is why cultivating a feedback culture is equally as important in creating mentally healthy workplaces. 

The workplace will continue to evolve in sometimes unexpected ways, and it will be shaped in the future by Gen Z. To ensure your organisation connects with this generation – while never missing a beat with other generations – it’s time to re-think and re-prioritise the EX. 

ELMO Software  is a cloud-based solution that helps thousands of organisations across Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to effectively manage their people, process and pay. ELMO solutions span the entire employee lifecycle from ‘hire to retire’. They can be used together or stand-alone, and are configurable according to an organisation’s unique processes and workflows. Automate and streamline your operations to reduce costs, increase efficiency and bolster productivity. For further information, contact us.

1. “Chart: How Gen Z employment levels compare in OECD countries”, World Economic Forum, March 2021

2. The Gen Z effect, Dell Technologies, 2018

3. Gen-Z Purpose Study, Porter Novelli, 2019

4. The power of personalisation and Gen Z, Telus International, 2019

5. Gen Z by the numbers, WP Engine, 2019

6. “Millennials and Generation Z – making mental health at work a priority”, Deloitte, 2021